719.632.8491 | Open M-F 9-6/Sat 9-5/Sun 10-5


Planting in the fall can save you a lot of money while also giving plants a jump start next spring!
Light Most fern varieties naturally grow on the floor of thick, forested areas so they prefer a bright but indirect
Image of a deer in a garden
A Note About Deer Resistant Plants The plants listed here are not guaranteed to be deer resistant. This is merely
Image of trees at Rick's Garden Center
Tree & Shrub Planting Guide Call before you dig! Dial 811 1. Measure the depth of the root ball. Your
Tillandsia species are wonderful indoor houseplants that add a fun and exciting flare to your décor. What are tillandsias? Tillandsias,
Flowering bulbs can be forced to bloom indoors, creating a beautiful display of color and fragrance even on the coldest
Garlic is a crop that is fun to grow and does best when planted in the fall. There are many